Land at Kings Newton Lane, Melbourne
Richborough are preparing to submit an outline planning application for up to 135 new homes (including affordable homes) at the Land South of Kings Newton Lane, Melbourne. The proposed development will be accessed vehicularly via Kings Newton Lane to the north, with further pedestrian and cycle links throughout the Site connecting the new homes to the range of services and facilities in Melbourne.
We are keen to involve the existing community in sharing our ideas for the development and wish to understand what local people would like to see from the development, so that key features can be added to the outline application if appropriate.
Richborough was founded in 2003 and is one of the UK’s most successful specialist land promotion businesses. It promotes land via the planning system for residential, commercial and mixed-uses and focuses heavily on placemaking, local communities and ensuring development complements and enhances existing infrastructure.
Click image to enlarge
Site Location Plan
The proposed scheme will provide a new vibrant community, with high-quality homes that has place-making and sustainability at its core. Through the creation of green corridors throughout the Site and additional planting and landscaping, the proposed scheme will result in a soft and sustainable extension to Melbourne in this edge of settlement location. The layout will be carefully considered to encourage active frontages and safety for future residents whilst prominent plots will provide key focal points within the Site creating a real sense of place.
Nationally and indeed locally we are facing a growing housing shortage as identified by the ‘Local Housing Need’ figure set out in the emerging Local Plan for South Derbyshire. The proposed scheme will help ensure South Derbyshire are able to deliver the identified Local Housing Need within the District whilst providing Melbourne with a vibrant new community, high-quality homes and a scheme appropriate to the scale of Melbourne and the range of services and facilities it offers.

Development Framework Plan

Up to 135 much-needed, high-quality homes (including affordable homes) with the size and tenure informed by local need.
Click image to enlarge

A strong green infrastructure network that retains and enhances existing trees and hedgerows whilst also incorporating formalised children’s play space and sustainable drainage systems.

Financial contributions towards local infrastructure.

A proposed scheme that responds positively to the Kings Newton character, particularly along the frontage of Kings Newton Lane.

A layout and density that embraces the location of the Site within the National Forest and provides space for new tree planting.
Richborough will carefully review and consider your thoughts, suggestions and feedback to help shape and finalise the proposed development. An outline planning application will then be prepared and submitted to South Derbyshire District Council in the coming months.
You can share your comments via the comments form, or alternatively you can write to us via post at:
Kings Newton Lane, Melbourne Consultation
c/o Pegasus Group
4 The Courtyard
Church Street
Derby DE74 2SL
Or via e-mail at:
Please let us have your comments by
Sunday 2nd March 2025.
Details of the planning application will be published on the South Derbyshire District Council website for residents and interested parties to view.
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